GrandpaNate at 52
I was born on a Wyoming Homestead on 2/21/34. Lived 90 mile from town until I was nine, and cowboy proud. My folks then moved to Miles City, Montana, where my schooling ended when I dropped out of the tenth grade. I cowboyed summers while in school, but better wages soon lured me into construction, then the oil field, where I found my niche. During the next 20 years I helped drill over 100 wells in Wyoming and about 30 in the adjoining states. I spent many a shift out in the boondocks, studying the formations we were drilling through. And become convinced of one thing: The Earth History being taught in our schools is a bunch of malarkey. So, upon retiring I finished a book (already started) about Earth History.
In 1981 the oil field collapsed, not a rig was running in Wyoming. So, I went to work at the Wyoming State Penitentiary as a Steam Boiler Technician. A couple years later I was promoted to Boiler House Manager, and retired from that position in 1999. PS: In September, 2008 I bought a house in Buckeye, Arizona, 85326, to escape those cold Wyoming winters.
My family, Science, Space, Earth History, Our Country, Politics, Hunting, Fishing, Hunting Hounds and Writing.
Favorite Movies
Shane, The Outlaw Josey Wales, Hombre, The Verdict, Rocky, She wore a yellow Ribbon, Lonesome Dove, and a hundred more, I like movies.
Favorite Music
Western, Rock, and the Blues.
Favorite Books
Call of the Wild, Star Wars, Tarzan, Old Yellow, I read non-fiction, Sci-Fi, mysteries, and westerns.
Q: You've just inherited a manufacturing plant that specializes in plastics. What are you going to make?
A: Likely lots of money. I'd sell it. Plastic is out of my field of expertise, and interest. And I can't tolerate hot plastic. One whiff = asthma attack.